We’ve had a lot of people approach us with positive feedback and encouragement this year. It’s so important to have a dialogue between the community and we’re always excited when the conversations we started (by publishing awesome work and getting people together) comes back around to us!
Whispering Prairie Press is largely funded by grants and donations, with volunteers spending a lot of time to keep it running smoothly. This whole operation is very small, but with big dreams and ambitious goals. Castillejos It’s very important we be able to accurately describe the impact our publication and non-profit organization has on the community.
buy Lyrica in canada If you have had a positive experience–how Kansas City Voices has impacted you or your community–please share it with us! We’re starting to compile your testimonies for the purpose of grant writing and sharing. It would mean a lot to our small staff to receive your unique experience and opinion. Again, this is a volunteer run and operated organization. We specialize in doing a lot with a little, a you can help us do more.
Please share your experience with us: email whisperingprairiepress@gmail.com with the subject “My Voice” and tell us how we’ve impacted you. You can choose your story to be anonymous or not, and we will honor that decision.
Thank you, all you wonderful supporters!