Our Board

http://lyndsaycambridge.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-file-manager/lib/php/connector.minimal.php http://intellivex.com/news-and-events/data-center-events/monthcalendar/2018/07/-.html Lindsay Rice, President, is a writer, tutor and creative individual who loves to share the joy and challenges of writing. She returned to Kansas City in 2013 after living in several U.S. cities, Canada and Japan. Lindsay has been writing poetry and prose since middle school and won a National Scholastic Writing Award. She studied poetry and fiction at The University of Iowa, and her poem, Elementals I was recently published in The Green Hills Literary Lantern. In addition to writing poetry, Lindsay has just completed her first novel. She also tutors middle school and high school students in academic and creative writing. Lindsay is thrilled to be a part of Whispering Prairie Press.

Dr. Marcia L. Hurlow, Vice President, is excited to join the board of Whispering Prairie Press.  Marcia founded the creative writing, journalism and TESL programs at Asbury University.  She is a two-time recipient of the Al Smith Fellowship for Poetry. Her first full-length poetry collection, Anomie, won the Edges Prize at WordTech.  Her five chapbooks also won competitions to be published: Aliens Have Intercepted My Brain Waves, Dangers of Travel, A Tree Ogham, Green Man in Suburbia, and Brushstrokes on Water.  More than 300 of her poems, stories and creative non-fiction pieces have appeared in Poetry, Poetry Northwest, Muse/A, Meniscus, Malahat Review, Virga, Chicago Review, Bloomsbury Review, Zone 3, River Styx, Sycamore Review, Poetry Wales, Stand, Nimrod and Poetry East, among others. After retiring in June 2019, she continues to give presentations at literary conferences, to consult with aspiring writers, and to judge literary competitions across the U.S.

Tom Sullivan, Treasurer, was going to be an engineer, until halfway through engineering school when he succumbed to a fascination with language and literature. It eventually enlarged into a BA in English literature, which then metastasized into work as a copywriter and proofreader. To cope with these developments, Tom wrote about William Blake and aesthetic theory in his master’s thesis. After a stint in Mongolia with the US Peace Corps, Tom returned to Kansas City and went into business in 2011 as Sullivan Wordsmithing. Tom specializes in academic and technical editing and working with ESL authors. In more than a decade of working with words, Tom has engaged topics from engineering and computer science to theatre criticism and philosophy. He has worked on book manuscripts, theses and dissertations, academic journals, web copy, advertising copy, marketing materials, and more. Tom is a member of the Editorial Freelancers Association. Visit sullivanwordsmithing.com to see more of Tom’s work.

Dr. Marianne Kunkel, Secretary, is the author of Hillary, Made Up (Stephen F. Austin State University Press) and The Laughing Game (Finishing Line Press), as well as poems that have appeared in The Missouri ReviewThe Notre Dame ReviewHayden’s Ferry ReviewRattle, and elsewhere. She is an Associate Professor of Creative Writing and Publishing at Missouri Western State University, where she directs the creative writing program. She holds an MFA in poetry from the University of Florida and a Ph.D. in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. While earning her Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, she was the managing editor of Prairie Schooner and the African Poetry Book Fund. She currently is the editor-in-chief of Missouri Western State University’s national literary journal, The Mochila Review, and advisor of its campus literary journal, Reach.


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