can you buy Lyrica at walmart Greetings writers, readers and creative folks! It is late summer and the tall grass glows golden in the August heat. After a few quiet months here at Whispering Prairie Press, we are happy to be back, basking in the light and the new blood that holds our project. Our newly infused board now includes Tom, Spencer, Sandy and Lindsay. If you are looking for the excellent creative content from our past, please find back issues of Kansas City Voices:
Gambat We will be writing new posts here about Kansas City Voices and Kansas City Voices Youth magazine submissions, Whispering Prairie Press events as well as writing advice, genre information and interviews with writers of all ages and proclivities. There will also be small giveaways, so ready yourself for a fun and engaging year with us!
Feel free to reach out to us. We welcome your questions and comments and hope the coming season finds you tucked in with your pen and paper, computer and keys or a really good read.
We look forward to your submissions as soon as we open the barn gates.
(By the way, we are not entirely out on the prairie, but it surely surrounds us.)