"Spring in Love" by Dave Malone––Guest Blogger

where to buy isotretinoin in hong kong Trees bloom our town
into being. Forsythia crown
our elbows in gold and redbuds
lance our eyes. The hulking sheriff
blows kisses to ladies aged
past his own grandmother,
and you take your shirt off
in the yard until I kiss
the last snowy remnants of your skin
into last week. When a thunderboomer
piles in, your rake your teeth
across my shoulder. You draw blood,
a red river flowing down into
the blossom of our Bradford pear.

buy prednisone overnight delivery ––Dave Malone is a former Kansas Citian who makes his home now in the Ozarks.  “Spring in Love” is the title poem for Dave Malone’s free ebook, Spring in Love, available at Smashwords and Kindle.  Visit him online: www.davemalone.net.

We are proud to showcase Dave’s work in Volume 8 of Kansas City Voices. Order your copy today at: http://www.kansascityvoices.com/

2 thoughts on “"Spring in Love" by Dave Malone––Guest Blogger

  1. ficwriter

    >I want to print this intoxicating poem by Dave Malone so I can wake up and read it, and then savor it again before I fall asleep at night.


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