“Sophie—Hagia Sophia: Lost In The Past” by Lorrie Crystal Eigles ––Guest Blogger

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http://thebeginningfarmer.com/wp-content/db-cache.php The young woman in this acrylic/collage is the paternal grandmother I never met—Sophie Eigles. She was nineteen and filled with life. Her beauty parallels that of the “Hagia Sophia” (Istanbul) in the middle of a sunlit day.

A few years after my grandparents married and began their family, Sophie began struggling with mental illness. After the birth of her fourth son, the dark veil of schizophrenia descended and she was institutionalized, tearing her family apart. Not much was known about how to effectively treat her mental illness. For the next thirty years she remained in the institution, until her death. The “Hagia Sophia” at sunset represents her second half of life. Creating this artwork helped me address my sadness for her difficult life.

––Lorrie Crystal Eigles, artist and life coach, has launched a new website:  http://myauthenticlifecoaching.com which integrates her color pencil drawing into the website design.

We are proud to feature Lorrie’s work in Volumes 8 & 4 of Kansas City Voices.  Her work is so good Volume 4 sold out, but you can still order your copy of Volume 8 at:

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